Wrong To Strong - Chicago

"I Wasn't Arrested, I Was Saved!" interview w/ REZUM

Julio Mercado / REZUM

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Happy New Year 2024! This is our first podcast episode release of this new year. God bless you and your families, thank you very much for the continual support.
On this episode you will hear the first ever guest host on the Wrong To Strong Chicago Podcast. Julio Mercado steps into the studio to interview REZUM, a multi genre Christian artist. Listen to REZUM share about his life growing up with his mom in Oklahoma and traveling to see his father in Illinois. This back and forth has it's up and downs and he finds himself getting into trouble at an early age. Alcohol, drugs and physical violence becomes his M.O.  This ends up landing him in jail on few different occasions. He ends up receiving probation for one such incident and then a few months later he ends up violating that probation on a similar charge. Behind bars, he begins to see God move in his life. At first things look like they are coincidences as he begins to see and receive answers to his prayers. He keeps trying to outrun God but finds himself running back into Him. Growing up in family of musicians and song writers, he has been writing songs since he was twelve. He now discovers that this is a God given gift, and that God is after him, to help turn his life around and to use his music to reach many for the Kingdom.



Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@rezummusic

YouTube: https://youtube.com/@REZUM

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5DCtHJqKqDMsCjln1vuKHs?si=PDWTd2reQjaNr0Y7UWgWQA

 iTunes: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/rezum/1511596550

 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/austin.szumigalski?mibextid=LQQJ4d

 IG: https://www.instagram.com/rezummusic

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Hello everyone. Welcome to another episode of wrong to strong Chicago. I'm your host. My name is Omar Calvillo. Thank you guys for joining us on this new year, 2024. Happy new year to everybody. I pray that you guys have a very blessed, prosperous new year. Uh, I pray that this year be the year that you guys draw closer to the Lord. This new year, we got a few new things going on. First thing is we just started a wrong to strong two minute devotional. Uh, so if you guys are on YouTube, Facebook, uh, Tik Tok, go, go on there to check out the channel wrong to strong Chicago podcasts. Uh, so the two minute devotional every Monday, we're going to release a video. Devotional is going to be one of the guys that's part of the wrong to strong team. Wrong to strong family, reading some Bible scripture and just, just giving a breakdown, you know, and an explanation, maybe how that scripture has helped them personally. And you know, it's just going to be a brief Bible study that we're going to be doing with you guys. Every Monday, we plan on doing it for all 2024. So the plan is 52 weeks each week it'll be a, a, a different man. That's part of this team. Man. God's been just doing something amazing, through this ministry. We got men from all over the country that been joining us on a Zoom Bible study, which we do on Friday nights. So if you guys are interested in that, uh, man, send me a, a dmm, email. And we'll, we'll get that, uh, zoom link out to you so you guys could jump on. It's a, it's a Bible study for men all over the country and even all over the world. We just had a, a brother recently, Jerem, he's out in Holland. He's been joining us via zoom. So man, God's just been doing an amazing work, through this ministry, through this Bible study. Uh, another new thing on today's episode, I'm having the first ever guest host of the wrong to strong Chicago podcast. So I got brother Julio Mercado. That's going to be on here. He's going to be your host for, for this interview, he interviews brother Rezum, uh, Rezum music. You guys are going to be blessed by this conversation. and that's something that God placed in my heart, uh, in 2024. I want to challenge a few men to, step out of their comfort zone and to, uh, join me in doing, doing the work that we're doing on here. Uh, this is not a one man show. We got plenty of men behind the scenes that are part of this. I'm going to give a shout out to some of the men out here in Chicago, uh, Arturo Gamino, Cisco Terrazas, uh, Bruno, and there's so many men here throughout the country. So this is not just about one man, this is all about each man, you know, participating and being part of what God is doing through this. So, uh, I'm excited for what 2024 is going to bring. I'm excited for all the, the interviews that we're going to be getting out here through throughout this year. Uh, I believe the last year was just like the foundation being laid, uh, for what God's doing through, through this ministry, you know, through this platform. So Men. Come be part of what God is doing through this ministry, man. We're out here to share the gospel. We're unashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ. So that's what we're here to share. Share. Testimonials of men that have gone from darkness to light and from wrong to strong. You guys be blessed.


Hello everyone and welcome to tonight's episode of Wrong To Strong. My name is Julio Mercado and I'll be your guest host for tonight's show. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the Lord who through Omar has given me the privilege to bring you guys tonight's guest. Joining us for the first time is the one and only Rezum, a Christian rapper with a heart for Jesus and a story that'll fire up your faith. We've been hearing amazing things about what Rezum's been doing in the industry. NOw I know what you're thinking. Me, a former gang member, interviewing a Christian rapper. Well this ain't no mismatch, folks. We're two brothers on the same path, just different beginnings. We both know the streets, the darkness, and the struggle. But Rezum found his way out. With a mic in one hand, and the Lord at his side. And let me tell you his story and his music are going to resonate with every sinner, every saint and every hustler with the heart hungry to be redeemed. So grab your Bibles and your headphones and get ready to hear the gospel like you never heard it before. Let's go. Let's go. Welcome to the show. Rezum.


Yes, sir. Blessed to be here, man. So you want to tell


us a little bit about yourself,


Rezum was born in Florida, Port Charlotte, Florida. My mom and dad moved to Oklahoma City. They lived out there for a little bit, and then my dad came back out this way. And, uh, I stayed back with my mom. So I was out there in Oklahoma City, for a while, probably until I was like 10. And, I was constantly back and forth. So, as a kid, you know, could you imagine, I was either with my mom all the time, or I was with my dad all the time. So it was like they, you know, I would act up, act crazy, get in trouble. I'd be like, you going with your dad? Okay, act up. Get crazy out here. Send me back. And, uh,


yeah. So you say you are, uh, from Oklahoma City. You wanna tell us what that's like for maybe anybody who's not familiar with that area?


So, Oklahoma City is like a smaller Chicago alright. All right. Yeah. Basically, basically it is, man, so it's. You know, it's not quite as big. They don't got all the big towers and stuff downtown, um, but just like any major city, you know, there's, there's gangs, there's, um, drugs, you know, and, and so, obviously that shaped a little bit of my, uh, my younger years, man. So.


Okay. Okay. So you said sometimes you used to stay with your mom, sometimes you would stay with your dad, you were kind of back and forth, huh? Right. So what was the structure like, like, you know, at your mom's house, at your dad's house, like, you know, was, you know, you just had one parent in the house, was it like, you know, what was that like?


So, you know, living with my mom out in Oklahoma, we were moving a lot. You know, my mom, she actually, she was, she started, I don't remember what age, but she got into a habit and started doing drugs. And so we were constantly moving. Um, I had a stepdad, um, that stepped in when my dad wasn't there. And, you know, it was, it was different than probably most households. I thought it was normal. But, you know, my mom was, she was on it. She, she would discipline me, you know. But also at the same time, you know, she, she also had a habit. So there were times when, you know, I got to kind of do what I wanted. You know what I'm saying? So. I got you. I got you. How about by your dad's house? And by my dad's house. To be honest, man, I came the first memory. I came out here. I was probably like five came out here just to visit. Really liked it. Came back out here when I was like 10. My aunt took me to the city and I fell in love, man. I fell in love right away. And, uh, but my dad. He was trying to gain my love, you know, cause I was out there all the time. So he kind of let me do what I want. I'm like 10 years old, walking around, cussing people out. Like it was kind of weird, you know what I'm saying? Like, but my dad, you know, and he put an end to it, you know, after some while, but he let me get away with a lot of stuff early on. So,


so I know you said that it was kind of lax with the parents, you know, sometimes with your mom, it wasn't so lax. How about school? What was going on in school


at that time? I was constantly in trouble getting suspended and, and getting detentions and fighting. Um, it was either getting kicked out of school. Um, I was always in trouble. I was the class clown. I was that dude. You know, I was that dude who, who like made the class fun, but also ended up paying for it in the end. Yep. That's


usually how it works out. So what, what, um, so at some point did you like, did you end up like, you know, on the streets, like, you know, you know, getting in trouble or, you know, anything, you know, what led up to that?


Yeah. So my, my, so my dad actually, he gave me that little time where I was kind of crazy, but then he kind of locked in on me and was, I think he realized like if he lets me keep doing that, then it's going to end up real bad. So he did kind of lock in on me and he became kind of like really strict, like over strict, you know what I'm saying? Kind of, you know, and you know, when kids were sleeping over at friend's house, like, you know, I had like two friends where I could go over there. So it was like, I went from doing whatever I wanted to being like super strict. And then, um, so yeah, I was getting in trouble in school all the time. And, and, uh, obviously my dad didn't care. My dad didn't graduate eighth grade. So he was like, it was normal to him, you know what I'm saying? That's what he did, you know? So he, and so it was cool. I was kind of following in his footsteps, you know? And, But I did end up graduating high school. Um, you know, and because of the upbringing in Oklahoma, I saw a lot of stuff at a young age, like, uh, just, you know, being in the trap house, you know, being in, being around people who were trying to get drugs and gang banging and stuff, um, it kind of shaped me. So like, as I started growing up, I was attracted to these types of people when they were attracted to me, you know? And so. Everywhere I would go, man, I would find a person who was gang banging or, or, or seek it out or, or whatever wanted to get high. And so, yeah, man, I ended up surrounding myself with like, you know, the homies, you know what I'm saying? Just normal, normal, you know what I'm saying? I look back at it now and I see like, man, that's how it was. But back then it was just like, yo, it's just life turn up.


Yeah. Yeah. You know, everyday normal life. Can you, can you describe like your, your mindset at that time? Like, what were you thinking? Where did you see yourself going? Like, like, did you have some plans or like, what was going through your head?


Man, I, I wanted to, I don't know, man. I wanted to be so like one thing, one thing my dad always taught me was like. Don't be a punk. So that was my biggest thing. Like I was trying to be Mr. Tough guy, you know? And, and so I didn't really have too many, good plans. I wanted to be, you know, I was going to get rich on dealing drugs. Um, I was making music then. Uh, so that was kind of my plan. I also did work too, though. I always worked, you know, I always had a job. All


right. All right. So what you were like, just writing music, like writing it in notebooks. Like you were really taking it serious. Like you've always seen yourself moving in that direction ever since. So it's about how old?


So I started writing when I was like 12 years old. Wow. Okay. And so a lot of the, you know, my aunt, my aunt made us meet cause I grew up in like a, a musician family. So my aunt sung, my dad sung, played the drums. My uncle played the guitar, my grandpa played the drums, so I grew up around music all the time. And, I remember my aunt, she made me and my sister do like a singing contest. And I remember it like grabbed me, you know what I'm saying? I was always infatuated with like rap and stuff, so I always did that. But then she had me start singing and then that's when I realized like, man, I like this. So I started writing and stuff and It was a, it was an outlet for me when I was going through this stuff, you know, a lot of my older songs, it was stuff I was going through, you know, and so I would just, instead of, instead of, uh, holding that pain in, I would put it in the music. Nice. Nice. Do you play any instruments? I play a little guitar and a little bit of drums. All


right. So I can imagine what the holidays were like at your house, right? Because everybody's singing, right? All the cousins, everybody's playing instruments. Yep.


Yeah, man. Yep. I used to, I used to stay up to like four in the morning and fall and fall asleep to them. Just jamming out, whatever, you know, whatever, jamming out some rock music or whatever. Yeah. So,


so everybody plays like the older people, the younger people, everybody pretty much. Wow. What a blessing. What a blessing.




it was cool. It was cool. Do you feel like being around that really helped you express yourself more? Like being around people playing music all the time and just singing. I mean, obviously you could, you, you're really good at expressing yourself. I hear your music, but plus you said like, I mean, you've been writing since 12 years old, that's, that's young. You know what I mean? Like to be able to express yourself and put it into words at 12 years old. That's, that's not normal. That's, it's a gift. You know, I would say that that's


definitely a gift. It was cool. I see my dad and my aunt writing. And so I kind of just followed suit. It, you know, and, it was never hard for me to write a song. Uh, all my songs probably weren't the best, but I just, I just always wrote what was on my mind. You know, I


don't know if too many 12 year olds that are writing songs. So


it must've been pretty good, you know? Right.


So what, what eventually happens? What, what ends up like leading you down the path of God? Like. Because I mean, you are obviously getting trouble. Yeah, did you ever get like, get locked up or anything like that? Were you just like lucky and just to get by and never really got caught


or? Yes. So man, you know, as I said before, you know, I was in trouble in school and that. When I graduated, so I did graduate high school and I had good grades and that's one thing I always did as much trouble as I got and I kept my grades up because it was important to me and you kept the job too. That's like that's and I had a job. So I had my first job when I was like 16. I was a maintenance man at apartment complex. And so that was another mentor that I had man. The boss over there. He taught me a lot, taught me a lot of things that my dad just didn't. He, my dad was never taught these things and I feel like God put this guy in my life. It's just give me something different. Everything that I learned from my life, my dad taught me how to write music. My dad taught me how to, how to make a beat. You know what I'm saying? And he taught me how to do, my dad taught me how to fight. It's amazing. Yeah. And this, and so, and then I, you know, at 16, this guy's teaching me how to save money. I'm like, yo, what's that save money. I want to spend my money.


I'm hearing a lot of discipline. Like you're saying like, you know what I mean? You might've been getting in trouble and whatnot, but like you stayed in school. You always stayed with a job on top of that. You know, you're saving money. You're writing songs, you're playing music. So it seems like, like you really kept yourself busy. You know, you find a positive outlet pretty early in life. So, you know, you think that might've saved you from getting in some trouble when you were younger?


Man, it did. It did. And, and my dad did too, because he was strict and he knew my dad used to hang out, you know, he used to bang a little bit. I don't know how deep he got into it, but I know he used to do a little bit. And, I remember one time, man, I was probably like 13, 14, and I had, I put this newspaper of, of this dude throwing up gang signs in my room. And, uh, probably, probably one of the worst decisions I ever made. Cause I'm thinking it's cool. I'm like, yeah, you know, we're in this, you know what I'm saying? And my dad come in and he's seen it and he didn't have the same attitude as my, as me, and you know, he, he lit me up right there, 13, 14. He lit me up like a Christmas tree. And I was like. I never forget it. And, he w he was right. You know what I'm saying? Like at the time I'm like, man, this dude, I'm just trying to have fun. I'm trying to be around people who accept me. And my dad's like, nah, I don't want you to end up in jail or prison. I don't want you to end up dead. Yeah. Yeah. And so he was looking out for me, man. And, it, it worked for a little bit, but man, I had my mindset already. I, you know, I wanted to deal drugs and, live the party life. And. Let's unpack


that a little bit. Let's, it seems like we kind of like went through it, but like, let's unpack that. Like what was going on with that?


So, yeah, man, I was like, every day was a party. I graduated high school. I got this apartment, with my girlfriend. We ended up breaking up. One of the guys I was doing music with. And at the time was like my brother. I moved him in with me and we just started partying every day. I, I worked from. Like 3 p. m. to 12 p. m. So when I came home, it was like the party was already there. You know what I'm saying? So I would get in and we would go crazy. Right at it. Yeah. Right


at it. So what, you would get home and come home every day to So you had the party house. Right. Right? Yep.


It was an apartment. It was an apartment. And, yeah, man, it was the, it was the party apartment and, uh, and, uh, man, we lit that thing up and the neighbors probably hated us. Oh, I bet they did because we were making music too. And, we, we would have like parties for the, for the music and and that's actually how I ended up getting my case. So I went to the campground with my girlfriend at the time. This is before I bought the apartment. So I'm a backtrack a little bit, but I ended up getting into it with her. I was super drunk. I drank a, I drank a 30 case in like two hours, so I was just, when I drunk, man, like I didn't, I didn't, I didn't, like, I couldn't just have a beer, you know what I'm saying? It wasn't like, I know some people go and they have a beer and they leave beer in their cup. No, I'm trying to have like three cases, you know? I don't know any of those people I like. Right, right. They're, they're far and few in between. Yeah. Yeah. I was trying to get messed up and, and, my girlfriend, we got into it. Her cousin was there trying to stand up to me and stuff. And, somebody had called the cops on me. I think it was her mom. She called the cops because I was acting crazy, you know, that was my MO. I would get drunk and most of the time I'd be real cool, but then there'd be that one time that somebody would say something that would just trigger me. And then I'd be trying to, I'd be trying to kill everybody there. You know what I'm saying? And so that's what happened that night. You know, uh, something triggered me, man. And I was trying to fight everybody there. They called the cops on me. And, when the cops, I didn't even know I got so mad and I'm like, you know what? I'm just gonna mind you. I'm like two hours away from home. Like, I'm just gonna walk. I'm just gonna walk home. You know, they like locked the door on me and all that. And so as I'm walking home, somebody ran up on me. And, uh, I'm like, what's good? What's good? What was the cops, but I was so drunk. I didn't even notice. I was like, I'll try to fight the cops. So I'm looking at a cop over here and a cop comes from over here and he just drills me, tackles me, you know, and so now I'm scuffling with these guys and you know, they got the pepper spray out. They're trying to tase me and stuff. And so I got a case for that. That was my second case. I took a four years probation on that. Wow. And then after that's when we, me and that same girl got an apartment. Yeah. And, Moved in with a couple of my friends partying all the time and, we had made this song and we were having a release party and we had made the song and, it went like this. It was, it was the first verse, the chorus, the second verse, the chorus, and then my verse. Okay. So the whole song played through and when it got to my verse, one of my homies went over there and he changed it back. I don't know if he didn't like my verse. I thought it was the most fire verse of the song. That's why we say the best for the last. You know what I'm saying? And he turned it back and I got offended by it. What do you mean? He like started the song over. He started the song over right when it was about to get to my verse. Hit the song. You didn't want to hear that, huh? Nah. Well, it was it was so I was basically in the song. I was telling like the girls like I don't need you, you know, like it was smoking. I got my weed. I don't need you. I don't remember how it went, but uh, And so he he flipped it back. So I'm guessing he did that because there were girls there and he didn't want me to ruin the vibe. Okay. Okay. And so, uh, okay. I get it now. I get it. And so I got offended because I'm like, man, that's the best part. I want these girls to hear my part. You know what I'm saying? And, uh, so I walked up to him like, man, I said, I smacked him in his head. I told him straight up. I smacked him in his head and I said, turn it back, bro. I'm all lit up, right? I'm looking for a fight. You know what I'm saying? And then he just said the right thing to get me, get me, get me in that point. And so he turned it back and everything. And so now the party is going back. Everything's cool. And there was a girl sitting next to me and I'm like, man, I'm thinking about like About to do with her. So I, I went to go to the bedroom to clean the bedroom up, get it kind of decent, you know, ready. And so, right, right, right. Uh, and the dude who, the dude who was, uh, who, who hit the song back, he come in there while I was in there doing that. He's like, man, I don't appreciate what you did. And I'm like, well, I don't appreciate you disrespecting me like that, turning the song, you know, and I needed an explanation. And, uh, I just seen him start balling his fist up. Like he was. Gonna try to attack me. So I took flight on him. So, you know, and you're on probation at this time on probation. I'm like six or seven months in probation. Okay. So now I'm, I'm wailing on this dude and, blackout drunk. I barely even remember this. You know, I'm wailing on this dude and everybody's, they can hear us in there and, and I'm not stopping. I'm just I'm seeing red like I'm trying to hurt this guy. You know, I'm saying he offended me And now he's trying to ball his fist up at me. I'm like, it's either him or me. So I wasn't listening. I grabbed him in a chokehold. I was like punching him real hard, you know like that and He was unconscious while I was doing that So one of my other homies come up and knock me out, you know, and so Save you the whole for it was crazy and Now we're both laying down there knocked out, you know, unconscious and, now I'm really offended cause now I'm like, okay, this dude just offended me. Now, now, now you punched me in my face. It's my release party. Right, right, right, right. Now we got some real business to take care of. So I went to the kitchen to grab something to retaliate, man. And, and I just, I just thank God that it just didn't get that far because as I was walking back to the bedroom to find this dude who knocked me out, Um, the cops walked through the door. Oh wow. Divine intervention, bro. And so man, I say it a lot of my music. Like I wasn't, I wasn't arrested. I was saved basically is what I say. And, and they took me to jail, obviously it was my house. So all the, all the weed we had in there, all the pills we had in there that we were selling. I had a scale right next to all of it. It all went on me. And so I actually, I actually took probation for that case. Oh, you got probation on top of probation. And yeah, we, and I thought I was going home and this was, my first case was in Lasalle County and my second case was in will County, just, just on the border of will County. So thank God, you know, I. If I had a choice to be locked up, I'd rather be in Will county than 26 and California. Oh yeah. Personally. Yes. So, I got probation for that and, I thought I was going home and then they come and knocked on my cell at like midnight and they're like, oh, you gotta hold over here. You're already on probation. So when you took probation here at Violated my probation there.


The original probation. Oh, so you didn't get a probation on top of probation? No, I


You took it separately? Yeah, I was trying to slide under the system, you know, but it didn't work. So it caught up to you


is what happened? It did. It did, man. So


then what happened with that? And so, the whole time you want me to go through like my whole testimony in there. Cause that's really, that's why I got saved, man. Yeah. Well, yeah, that's


what we want to hear. That's what we came for, brother.


I don't. So, uh, I was lonely in there, bro. You know, I got locked up. I'm, I'm 19. Okay. I was just hard. I wanted to fight everybody. I didn't have any, I was an atheist. I didn't believe in God. I thought it was funny. Or should I say I was agnostic? I used to believe in God when I was younger. I was baptized. Went to church with my friends and my grandma. But by the time I was 19, I just thought it was all a joke. I thought it was just a fairy tale, you know? And so I'm in, Will County now and the The chaplain kept coming by and he's like you wanna come read the Bible at Sunday you want to come to church I'm like man dismiss me with that bro. I don't want to hear about no fairy tales and I was being real ignorant to this Dude, I'm my man get up out of here with that I ain't no punk, you know, and and he kept doing it and he kept coming by every Sunday and I didn't give up on you Oh, yeah, and I was in Classification so it was like one hour out per day. So I didn't get you know, I didn't have no time out. So He comes in and finally one of these Sundays, I'm like, yeah, bro, let, let's go. Like, let's go read the Bible. Like, I'm just trying to get out of my side. I didn't tell him that, but like, yeah, let's go, let's go read the Bible. So, you know, he started reading John to me and I started reading the gospels and was preaching to me. And I'm not listening to it. I'm just like, I'm kind of like, he's telling me about the Bible. I'm like, okay. All right. Enjoying your time out. I'm just enjoying my time. Like, okay, you guys got any water? You guys got anything to drink in here. What you guys got? I got snacks and, the one thing I do remember is I remember like part of the prayer when I was about to go back to my cell and he's like, he's like, yeah, Lord, I pray that you would open his eyes, Lord. I pray that you would enter his life. And, uh, mind you, I'm smirking. I'm like, okay, come on, dude. Like, okay. Little that you know tell God, you know? Okay. And so nothing really happened there, but it did get me thinking. I'm like, what if there is a God, you know? And, uh, So I'm out of classification. Now I'm moving to like the block where I'm in now. And so I didn't have any money on my, I had like 10 bucks on my books. And, I called my girlfriend, I spent my last 10 bucks calling my girlfriend and we had a great conversation. Everything's good. You know, like talking to her, man, I'm not lonely right now. You know, And, uh, all of a sudden I hear somebody in the background. I'm like, man, who is that in the background right now? And she's like, nobody, she's like, nobody here. I'm like, come on, man. I hear somebody in the background. I know you ain't about to lie to me. And she's like, uh, she kept denying it. And I'm like, come on, man, just be honest with me. I'm not going to be mad at you. She's like, oh, it's just my sister. You know, this and that. And I'm like, okay, okay. I'm like, so your sister sounds like a dude now, huh? I'm like, man, I hear a dude talking back there. I'm like, who is it? And she's like, Oh, it's just so and so. And, uh, you know, I did get a little mad, but I also knew at that time, man, I was really lonely and I needed somebody to talk to. So I kind of just let it go. And I even talked to the dude, I'm on the phone. I'm like, man, just now I look back and I'm like, what was I thinking bro. Like, no, you


said it, you, you know, you were lonely. You wanted to have that, that call that, you know, that. Outlet to the world, right? Yeah, I get it. And I knew


this dude too. So I was talking to him on the phone and I'm like, man, just whatever. Take care of her, you know, this and that. And everything was good. And then, you know, you got one minute remaining and I'm like, okay, so I gotta, I got like 60 seconds to get what I want to get out and I'm like, okay, well, I don't got no more money in my book. See if you can get ahold of my family to put some money in my books or see if you can throw some money on there. I'm like, uh, but other than that, I don't got no more money. So I'm not going to be able to talk to you for a while. And I'm like, but, uh, but I love you. And she was like, okay, you too. And I'm like, I'm like, hold on. I'm like, just, just like three weeks ago, you were telling me you love me. You want to marry me and all this. And, uh, now it's me too. Yeah. Yeah. And, uh, and I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I love you. She's like, yeah, you too. And I'm like, oh, you ain't going to say it. She's like, say what? And man, I called her every name in the book and I, man, I just went off on her and I slammed the phone down and little, and I, and I forgot about this, but three days before that phone call, I was talking to God and I was like, God, if you're real, show me if she's the one for me or not. And, uh, careful what you wish for a brother, man, be careful what you ask for. You just might get it because I didn't want that answer, but that was the answer that I needed. And so I went up and I was so, man, I was so mad. And when that phone call happened, like I didn't think of that prayer right away. You know? So I just went up to the cell and I started lighting the brick wall up and my knuckles were all bloody, you know, down, you know, skin just bleeding. And I, and I was crying, you know, because I was hurt and I, and I sat down with my knuckles all bloody and I'm, I'm just sitting there thinking, I'm like, man, I was just praying about that three days ago. Oh, I finally came to you and God answered my prayers. And I'm like, nah, it's just a coincidence, man. Nah, she's just out there being a girl, you know? And nah, there's no way it could have been God, man. That could happen to anybody. And so now I got no money in my books and now I'm really like, okay, God could be real. I had this guy plant a seed in my heart in there from when I was a kid too. Um, to that,


let me ask you something up to that point, like, how many times had you gone out to talk to the pastor? Like, was it just one time or did you like start like, you know, visiting with them occasionally?


I want to say, I want to say it was just that one time, cause it was in classification. Okay. And so I was in there for like two or three weeks and I think he came by there three times and it was the third time that I, that I went with him. And so. Yeah, it was just that prayer and basically, you know, like I said, I was, my grandma brought me to church. I went to church with my, so I kind of did have a, a, a little bit of a root, but I just didn't believe it at the time. And then when that happened, I'm, you know, I could just consider it a coincidence. I'm like, nah, I don't think that was God, even though I just prayed for it. And so now I'm to the point, I'm like, okay, you might be real. I'm like, If you're really real, like God, I don't got nothing. Like, I don't even got a pack of ramen noodles. Like I just spent it all on this call on this girl that won't even tell me she loves me. And I'm like, God, if you're really real, like send me a blessing. I need some, I called him out, you know what I'm saying? And you know, I, I don't know if I would recommend testing God like that, but, but you know, I didn't know no better, you know? And so I, God, send me a blessing. Well, I, you know, a day or two later, this kid comes in, he's like 17. And, uh, rich kid got everything you could need. Honey buns, ramen noodles, That your celly?. Yeah. My celly, bro. I saw, yep. And I was, I was in the cell by myself for a couple of days. And then he came in and, he had everything. He had the, you know, he had the tennis shoes. I'm walking around in the little orange slippers. He had the, uh, the little, you know, the little long sleeve shirts. I figured what they call them. Yeah. The long Johns, the long, he had the long Johns. I mean, I was sleeping on a mattress, like as thick as this, you know, This top right here. And he had the medical mattress and Cadillac. And at the time I did, yeah, he had the caddy. Yeah, he was sleeping good. I'm over here tossing and turning and he's like, and, uh, man, and that dude actually started reading the Bible to me a little bit, believe it or not. Cause I think I may had mentioned something and I seen that he had a Bible. And so I was asking him questions and, I want to say that his dad was a pastor. Because he was like telling me about Jesus, you Man brother, that's


powerful. Like, like the Lord, like he was, he was, yeah, he was at you. He was, he was really, I mean, what, what more? I mean, do you think about like, what more can he possibly, you know, he, he took everything that was negative out of your life, left you alone. He broke you down and then he started to pour into you, man. That's what a


blessing, man. Man. And at the time I didn't see it, you know, I like at the time I was just like, okay, this is just a dude that I got to watch out for. He might try to, I might have to fight him one day, you know what I'm saying? Like you never know. Cause when you're in there, you don't, you just don't trust people. And so survival mode. Yeah. Survival. And, and I think there was a little bit of jealousy, you know, I'm sitting there, I have nothing in this kid's got everything. I'm older than him. Has he helped you out at this time? At this time, he wasn't really helping me out. No, he, I think he was in there. So he was in there for like two or three days. And so I had prayed this prayer before he got there. Okay. And he's teaching me about Jesus and stuff going through like the Psalms and the Proverbs. And then all of a sudden he gets, you know, they call him out, the CO calls him up and he comes back all happy. He's like, I'm going home. I'm like, Oh yeah, it must be good to be you. You know what I'm saying? And, uh, he's like, man, I want you to have this stuff. And so probably 90%, he ran a couple things to a couple other people, but like 90% of the stuff he had, bro, he just gave it to me. I'm talking about those big commissary boxes full, not to mention the Cadillac, the caddy, bro. I was sleeping, I was snoring up in that joint. Yep, yep. And, uh, man, it was, it was a blessing, man. And, and again, I just kind of wrote it off as a coincidence. I'm like, man, I don't. This could have just happened to anybody like this. The people, good things happen to people all the time. Like this, you know, this was just, yeah, that hard heart. Right. And I, and I, so I'm like, yeah, man, this could happen to anybody, but there was a little piece of me who was like, okay, that might've been God. So I didn't really lose. I had the faith of a mustard seed, literally, literally. So. I went through that and then, uh, I, I ended up taking probation there. Okay. Thought I was going home. They came and hit me up that midnight. So they're like, Oh, you'll be out of here by like five or six. So now I'm sitting there waiting. I'm like, man, it's 10 o'clock.


Luckily you didn't give your stuff away. Right, right, exactly.


I think I did. Yeah. You know what? I think I did. I started giving my stuff away. Cause I'm like, I'm going home. And then, uh, they hit me up at like midnight. I'm already asleep by that time. And they're like, yeah, they're like, you got a hold in LaSalle County and I'm like, I already knew what that meant. So I think I stayed there for like two or three more days. They took me down to LaSalle County, and did my time. I think I was in. Will County for two months, so I took my probation within two months and now I'm over there fighting my original case Aggravated battery on a police officer. That's what I ended up catching on that first case. Yeah, well when


they tackled you that time, right? Yeah, when you're walking,


right? Okay, right. So mind you it's two cops versus one drunk guy and somehow I aggravated them But yeah, you know it is what it is Yeah.


Well, you know, if you even break their fingernail during a scuffle, that's an aggravated battery


and I, and I look back at it now and I did, you know, I put myself in that position,


you know, and you know, it looks like this was all part of God's plan. Like, you know, like he knew you needed some more time. Like, for real. So, so they take you to, I'm assuming they take you to Lasalle, right? Take me


to Lasalle. Okay. How was that look like? So now I'm doing my time over there and, it was just, it kind of went by quick. You know what I'm saying? Uh, there was an instance there where I got into a fight with this dude. He was running his mouth and he called somebody a certain word. And then I, and I stuck up for the person. And then he called me a sissy, but he didn't call me a sissy. He called me, you know, and so I'm like, well, show me I'm one, you know, mind you, I'm 19. You know, this is, he's gang banging, you know, on the block gang banging. And he called me, he called me out. And, uh. Okay, well, you got to show me now because you just called me one and you


got to do something to or else, you know, your time ain't going to be so


easy there either. Exactly. And so I didn't want him to punk me out. I told him straight up. I'm like, what's good? He's like, what's up? He's like, you want to go to the bathroom? I'm like, let's get it. So, you know, we went up to the bathroom. They got these, uh, he's like wire walls up on the second block up there. And, uh, you just hang your blankets up there when you're going to go to the bathroom. Okay. Because they don't have doors and all that. So you just hang your blanket up there. So we did that. Are they like bars? They're like bars, but they're like squares. You know, so like. I got you. All right. Like a basket. You know what I'm saying? And so we, we hung the, we hung the blankets up there and you know, there's like an inch of water in this thing. You know, the drains aren't working. So now I got to fight this dude in water. Big old swole gorilla. You know what I'm saying? And I'm like, Oh man, what did I get myself into? And, uh, so. I square up, you know what I'm saying? And, and, um, I cornered him, I put him in a corner and, and I gave him the, I gave him the one, two piece real quick, pop, pop. And I slipped, you know, cause I was, I was taking flight on this dude. I went after him, he was saying, and I slipped and, you know, he was, you know, he was shorter than me, but he was, he was, he was stocky, dude. He, yeah, he was stocky and, uh, he grabbed me. And so now we're just wrestling, you know, and, we're doing that for like five minutes. You know, he was almost had me off and then I was about, you know, and then I had him and then it was just, it was like a draw, you know what I'm saying? And so I'm like, alright, he's like, alright, let me go, let me go. I was like, nah, cause you're gonna try to do something. And I'm like, I was like, if you do something to me, bro, I'm gonna get you back. And so, uh, he's like, nah, I'm good. He's like, I'm done. So he, you know, I let go and he, you know, he grabbed me and he kneed me in the face twice after I did that. He cheap shotted me. But yeah, so I went through there and I went and just chilled out the rest of the day. Put my blanket over my head and went to sleep. But everybody in the, they all respected me for that. I didn't tear him up. He didn't tear me up. He didn't back down. But they respected me because they knew if somebody tries me, I'm going. Win or lose, right? I was going. And so, a couple of the guys who were leading the block, they, uh, they come up to me and they're like, man, this dude's gonna try to get you back in the morning. They're like, he's coming to like, get you in the morning. He's gonna try to poke you? He was gonna try, I don't know, they didn't, they didn't say that, but it seems like that's what they were trying to say. Okay. Like, he's gonna get you in the morning. And, uh, so they gave me a pair of tennis shoes. Because when I left, when I left Will County, I had to, I didn't bring my tennis shoes with me. I don't know if there's something with the different counties, but, so. You know, obviously the guy in the block, the guy that's running the block, he, he had everything. So he let me borrow his tennis shoes. He's like, here, if this guy comes try to attack you, he's like, at least you're ready. It'll be fair. So I got up early in the morning and I put some shampoo on my floor, right, right by the door. So I'm ready for this. I got my shoes on, I'm under the thing and I'm ready, but I'm praying. I'm like, man, I'm like, God, please don't let this happen. Cause I feel like either I'm going to end up getting killed, right? Or I'm gonna end up hurting him so bad that I'm gonna catch another case. And I'm like, man, I just want to go home. You know? And so it was, it was kind of a, a scary morning for me. You know? I'm thinking the worst. Like, I'm either gonna die or I'm gonna kill this dude. Yeah. It


sounds very, uh, killer. Be kill ish, you know


what I mean? Yeah. Yeah. And so, man, he, he never came, never came in there. He never came in there. And I think it was like a couple weeks later, I ended up taking three years. For that first aggravated battery. Okay. And they shipped me out. Oh, wow. And so. Straight to Stateville. Straight to Statesville. Exactly. Yes, sir. RNC,


right? You already know. Yes, sir. Made that trip.


Yup. And so, you know, at this point I wasn't convinced about God, you know, Big deal. Somebody didn't come in my cell. Big deal. Somebody gave me some commissary still, huh? So, you know, he answered my prayer, but my girlfriend, you know, sent all these people, this kid happened to have a dad as a pastor. Um, but I wasn't convinced. I'm like, nah, this is just a coincidence. I'm just going through life. Like this has happened a lot of times in my life. And so now I get to, uh, Statesville, I was praying there. So like I didn't believe, but I was the seed starts sprouting. Yeah. And I didn't even realize I was believing because I'm just like, it was just my only hope, you know, it was like pray or don't do anything at all. I was like, I got to do something. And so I was praying. I'm like, Lord, please get me out of here. And it was my first time. So, there were guys in there with me that were there for like a month. I was out in like nine days. Yeah. And so glory, I look back now and I'm like, man, glory to God. I was out of there in nine days, but Statesville, man, Statesville is harsh, man. I mean, they strip you down in front of everybody. And then, you know, and then you get like one hour out per day or per week. I


think it was for a


week, once a week. I don't even think I seen the yard there to be honest. Oh, he just hit the day room. Yeah. So I think they, they, they sent around the phones, like one, one time that I think I showered once while I was there. Nope.


Sounds about right. Yeah. Yeah. It


was all right. Yeah. It broke me a little bit. I'm not gonna lie. I was like, man. That was the point where I'm like, man, I think, I don't really want to do this no more. I'm like, man, I, like, I don't like being in here. It's my last time, right? Yeah, and then my cell, my cellie was looking at, he, he just took like 15 years. And then he's telling me about the dudes who, who are doing like three life sentences, like two, two doors over. And I'm like, I'm like, man, I don't know if I really want to be here right now. The guys are screaming out the cell, they're like, I'm not supposed to be here. You know, being bugs, you know, and I'm like, man. It's like a mental asylum in there. It is. It's crazy. It'll break you, man. No. Um, and so I ended up taking my time. I went to Sheridan. Okay. They offered me that and they're like, it's a drug treatment facility or whatever. So it's a prison, but they, they have like, uh, took the drug program, the drug program. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Okay. They said it would be a good thing. They said I could earn some good time. So I'm like, okay, let's do it. So I went over there and as soon as I pull up on the bus, I go to the day room and, uh, like the first day that I'm in the day room, I walk out there and there's this big old swole black dude, you know, look crazy. It looked like he probably take like everybody in the whole thing. And so I happened to just sit at the only chair that was like kitty corner to him. And, uh, and he's reading the Bible. Wow. And I'm like, I'm just sitting there and I'm like, eh, you know, and he started


talking to me. Man, the Lord


was knocking for you, man. He's like, he's like, have you ever heard about, uh, Jesus before? And I'm like, you know, I'm like, yeah, I heard a little bit about it. So he starts, you know, he starts preaching to me and he starts reading me the Bible. And, I'm still not convinced, you know, like, I don't really, like, I don't really care. This guy's talking to me. I'm killing time, you know, and it's going in one ear and out the other. And I'm not really paying attention to him. It's not sticking, or at least I didn't think it was. It probably was. So I think I was in there for like two weeks in classification at Sheridan. And, you know, I think we had


Oh, an intake. Yeah, intake. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, okay.


And so you're like out every other day. You get like an hour or two. And so, every time I was out there he would, he would minister to me, you know. And, like I said, I was killing time. It was somebody to talk to, I did have some common ground because you know, I did grow up kind of with the Bible. So it was kind of interesting to me. It was, it was, it was keeping me focused. I guess you could say it was keeping my head right. So I was, I was listening to him. Um, but I wasn't, it wasn't sticking. And so. Now I go to the other classification. It's like a dorm type setting. And then they put me to, there's like, there's like 14 houses or whatever. And, they put me at this house and I'm in there with this, this dude, 17 year old gangbanger from Chicago. You know what I'm saying? And he's like. He was, he was probably one of the most annoying people I ever met. Oh man. And he used to come in the cell every day. That's the worst. Yeah. And, and he was, you know, he was about my size, but he was like swole. You could tell that he's, he's been down for a while, you know? Cause he's okay. And so now I'm like. He's coming in every day and he's like, he's, he's got this thing with this girl and he's like, man, I love this girl. I'm gonna marry this girl, man. I can't wait to get out. And the next day he come back and he like, man, I hate this girl. I'm gonna kill this girl. And I get, I say, man, she, this, this is not. And he used to do that every single day, bro. And, and, uh, I'm finally, I'm like, God, please get me out of here. I'm like, I'm going to end up killing this dude or. Fighting him or it's just not, I don't see it ending well. So I prayed to God and I'm like, I think I was in there for like, maybe a week tops, but maybe a little bit less. So I'm hearing this dude every day and I'm like, God, please get me out of here. I cried out to God. I was


just going to say, look, now you're crying out to God. You're praying like, so he's really working in your life. Like slowly, but surely, like you seem like. Like you're coming around, like you're


getting it. And at the time I didn't realize it, you know, at the time I didn't realize it. But now that I look back, I was, yeah. And, definitely now mind you, I had prayed that right. Well, that night, I think I prayed that like midday that night. I started talking to him. He asked me about Jesus. So now I'm telling him now your ministering. I know I'm like, yeah, I think Jesus, he's like, I'm like, I don't think Jesus is God, but he's, you know, so I'm just telling him what I know. I'm like, he was a son of God. He wasn't, you know, and so I didn't know at that time, you know what I'm saying? So I'm like, okay, he, you know, and so I'm telling him what I know and he's a sacrifice for our sins or whatever. And I'm not even joking, man. I woke up to the crack. I cracked my eyes to a CO knocking on my door. Mr. Shumakowski, grab your bags. You're moving. Wow.


Not even a full day. Yeah. Not even the full 24 hours it took.


So I, I was in there for a couple of days. Oh yeah. I


prayed. Yeah. For the Lord to answer your prayer. Like for real. You said you was like around the afternoon. You were like, Lord, please get me out of here. I can't do it. You actually woke up to your prayers being answered. Yeah.


And so that, yeah. And they moved me and I was, I like, I just looked up, God, my thank you. Like, that was like the first time where I like, thank God for one of the blessings because he blessed me many times. So like, these are only the ones that I remember, but God blessed me many times while I was in there, you know? And I just, I don't remember them all because you know, I didn't, I didn't write it all. Actually, I started writing it down, but I don't have it all. And, They moved me now out of all these 14 houses, they could have moved me to any of those houses and they moved me to whatever house this was like eight houses over. And I walk in and You know, you wouldn't believe who's sitting there.


Oh, I think I know exactly who was sitting there. The dude that used to minister you at the


table, right? Yeah, man. Yeah, man. I walked in and, and, and, uh, man, I, that was the point. And I'm like, there, there's no denying it. Like God is real. He answered my prayers. I just never gave him the time. How much can you run? Right? Like


bro, you're running and you're running right into him. No matter what you do in your life, you just keep on bumping right


into him. Yeah. And he was chasing me out in the world too, and I didn't realize until I got saved, but it was at that point, bro, where I just surrendered and I started going to church. And, actually the guy who was preaching to me, his name was Mr. Harper. Shout out Mr. Harper. And, uh, he was, he was actually a pastor who had got, he had backslid and gotten into some trouble and he was in there. But I know one thing, the Lord used him while he was in there, man. And he, he,


he ministered to me. Mr. Harper, if you're hearing this story, why don't you give us a call, man? Send us a message, give us a shout out. We'd like to talk to you, bro. Yeah,


we got to make that happen. But, you know, God put a bunch of people in my path, man. just people who came in and did prison ministry, who spoke into my life and provided opportunities. Yeah. There was a lot of opportunities like that and, you know, playing games with those guys, you know, just cool, cool dudes, man, who just love Jesus and, who had a heart for prison ministry and came in there and just showed me love, man, that I, that I didn't feel like I deserved because I was in prison, you know, and I felt so like when I first got locked up, I felt like a loser, man, you know, and all my friends were going to college or partying or making moves. And here I am 19. I spent my 20th and 21st in there and I just felt ashamed, you know, and I felt like I wanted to kill myself when I first went in there. And then from that to Mr. Harper, lead me to the Lord. Mr. Pruitt, shout out Mr. Pruitt surrendered. Huh? Yeah. And he sent all these people and now I'm telling people about Jesus in there. I'm like talking to everybody. I'm like, yo, let me tell you, but you don't know about Jesus, bro. So I was minister. I started ministering to people in there and, and, uh, I was on fire, bro.


Amen. Amen. So would you see, like, would you say like, that's something that like just changed about you instantly? Cause it seems like, you know, immediately you went from running from the Lord. To, you know, singing his praises and, you know, trying to bring people to the Lord. Amen. Amen. I


went from trying to fight anybody who looked at me weird to, if you even looked at me, I was going to tell you about Jesus.


Polar opposite. Huh? So, all right. So like, all right, so now you're talking to people, you're talking to everybody about the Lord. So are you, are you getting phone calls and stuff like this at this time? Are you able to reach out to them? So what are your people outside in the world? What are they saying about the change? What are they saying? You know, when you, when you're talking to them about the Lord, you know, take me through that.


Well, I love that you asked that question. Cause nobody ever asked that question, but, uh, man, my dad, especially, man, I love my dad, man. I know that, uh, he, he's different. You know what I'm saying? He's definitely different. And, uh, he's, he's been more like a brother to me, you know, throughout this whole time. But I remember calling him and he's like, man, that's just, that's just jailhouse Bible. You know, you're going to change, you know, that's just, it was jail talk. It was just


jail talk. Yeah. Cause I mean, that's, you know, in all fairness, like that's a huge thing, you know, like, I know I seen a lot of people that go down, they find the Lord and it lasts, you know, until they get out in the world. So when the temptation hits, they go right back to where they started. So in fairness, you know, you can see where it would come from, but, but again, so it's, um, I bet you he was just blown away when you came home and just kept on walking. Never look back. So whatever, what is everybody saying? Like, aside from your dad, like, you know, how about your


mom? What was she saying? So my mom actually visited me in County and I remember her pretty vividly. So she lived in Oklahoma. She came all the way out there to visit. My sister and my, my family and stuff. And so while they were out there, they came and visited me. And I remember now this was in County and I remember her telling me like, bro, like it's time to get it right. You know what I'm saying? And I wrote a song about that too. It's time to get it right. But, my mom was amazed though, you know, and I think it helped her because she, by that time she was starting to get clean and she might've been clean at that time. I don't, I, the dates for me sometimes get mixed up, but I know that she was, she was pursuing a relationship with God. So she was, she could understand now. My, my mom was on meth, so. Mind you, she, she was getting off meth while I was in prison, or she may have already been off. Like I said, the dates to me could be mixed up. I don't know exactly when she stopped. But, um, yeah, so she, she was loving it and we kinda, we kinda were on that journey together. Like, she's getting clean and, and I'm, I'm getting clean and we're trying to change our life around. But, but it was funny because like. My dad, my dad's probably my, one of my biggest critics, you know what I'm saying? He, he, like, he holds me accountable. Like even I send him my music and he'll be like, no, you need to change that. It sounds like trash. Wow. And so I remember being in there and he was like, uh, man, you're like, you're different, man. He's like, he's like, I hope that you stay that way. He's like, but I don't know. And, uh, but I remember I would talk to my dad. I'd be like, man, you need to, you need to like get your life together, bro. Cause if you die right now, you, you. You're going to go to hell. Like I was all like, I was, I was telling him straight up, like going crazy. Like I was like, I feel like we


need, um, I feel like there's a big, like a gap in that, I feel like, uh, enough of us don't like, really like, you know, we talk about the love of the Lord and, you know, you know, how he changes our life and the peace and, and about his grace, but it seems like, like a lot of people, like they kind of like shy away from like. Talking about, you know, the consequences, you know, the death behind it, you know, eternal death of the spirit. So, I mean, I, I don't know, like, I, I feel like that's a good thing to tell people, like, you know, just to let them know, like, Hey, you know, I'm letting you know, you can't say nobody told you and because I'm telling you now, you need to get right, you know, because now, you


know, yeah. And that's the gospel though, man, because if, if we don't understand that we're sinners and that the wages of sin is death, then, you know, Why do we need Jesus? You know what I'm saying? Exactly. If we're not sinners and we're not going to hell and, and that's, that's the harsh way to say it is we're, you know, if we're not saved, we're going to hell, but that's the truth straight there, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ, our Lord, man, and, uh, changed my life, bro. Big time, man. I even see friends, man, from back in the day. And they, they just can't understand it. Cause I was this dude who was always at the party. I was always fighting people. I was always cussing. And now. Um, I'm like, I'm trying to get him to church, you know, say it, or I'll try to get him to the concert, you know, the, you know, so to come, to come hear about Jesus, you know? So, so


let me ask you this, what area of your life do you feel like, like the Lord's still working on you with, what do you see that?


And, uh, I think to be, to be completely transparent, man. Um, just cause, cause I just was so. I guess hard and just hard headed and wanted to fight everybody. Uh, I can be mean sometimes. You know what I'm saying? But, but the Lord convicts me on it right away. And so I think that's my biggest thing is like learning not to fight with these still. I mean, it's been 10 years, so I've, I've come a long way. You know what I'm saying? So I don't. I don't fight with these no more, but you know, obviously the flesh tempts you sometimes, man. And he'll put the right person in your path to make you want to use these. And you just got to die to the flesh, you know, and daily, but I think that's probably the biggest thing, man. Cause I just was always taught to don't let nobody punk you out when Jesus says turn the cheek, you know, my dad said, don't let nobody punk you out, but. My father in heaven is like, look, turn the cheek because when you do that, not, not saying that we should let people punk us out, but I think the way we react shows a, you know, shows, shows who we're representing. You


know what I've noticed with that? Because, you know, I used to have a lot of problems with anger. I still do. That's my, you know, that's my battle. But especially lately, I'm really starting to notice that, you know, when I, when I come across these situations, when I want to be, you know, when I want to be violent, when I feel the anger. And, and I killed the flesh. When I do that, I mean, almost immediately to like, God blesses you, bro. You know, the blessings, they start coming through, like, and once you start realizing that, then you're like, man, you know what? I'm not going to throw my blessing away for no, you will not rob me of my blessing. Come on. You know what I mean? Like, I'm not going to let them rob me of my blessing. My father told me, you know what I'm saying? That, that this is not the way. And. You know, so that's, that's what I used to, to fall back on is, you know, just, I'm, I'm in the season of obedience right now in my life, you know, like where I just wanna be obedient to the Lord. You know? So I feel your, you know, the feeling like, you know, fighting the flesh is, is a battle boy that never stops. It's, and I don't think it will stop for us either, right? I think that this is, you know, this a battle that this will be a battle that we'll take, you know, to the grave. Right. You know?


That's cool, though. We got some common ground there, man. Oh, yeah, definitely.


Glory to God. Yeah, yeah, definitely. Um, I definitely feel you on that. Um, are you active in any ministries right now or


anything like that? So I do. I am a part of, uh, BBG, blessed by God with, uh, Cordell, Cordell Paige. Shout out Cordell Paige, that's my homie. That's my homie. Um, I do actively go to, um, Kingdom Music Discipleship. They have a, they have a little discipleship group. Shout out Bryann! Man, shout out Brother Bryann, man. That dude's so real, it ain't even funny. Yeah, I


watch him. Um, you know, I had my first encounter with the Holy Spirit. I was listening to Brother Bryann. Um, and I had listened to this song for years. But I was listening to the middle of the, middle of my storm. And that song It hits me so hard, you know, because it's like, especially at that, at that point in my life, like I put that on and it's like, I was in the middle of a storm, you know? Right. And at that time, like, I just in the middle of that storm, I just surrendered without even realize I just surrendered and, and I was listening to the middle of my storm and, you know, um, and if you watch my, my testimony, I actually talk about without, that was the first time the Holy Spirit fell on me. Wow. And I was just, I was just listening to that song and everything was falling apart. Well, I thought everything was falling apart, but man, praise God, uh, everything was falling together is what it was. You know what I mean? So I thought that I was having this horrible, horrible experience, but end up being, I was having my, my encounter with the Holy spirit and it was so beautiful, man. It was such a beautiful thing. So shout out brother Bryann. Shout out brother Bryann. Oh man. I, I watch, I watch him. I watch him minister. You know, I like to watch him preach. I like his style. You know what I mean? Like I, I see him as, you know, he's a mentor


for sure. He's going to be in, uh, in Rockford in February. Yeah. Yeah.


I heard he was supposed to come out, I think it's September. Yeah,


man, Bryann T., he was going to have


him out. But man, we were like, we were already ready to get our tickets. Me and the family, we were like stoked. So, but I missed him the last time. I think it was a couple of years before that. He was out here and I missed him that year, but I'll, I'll definitely catch him when he comes back. I'm definitely going to catch him in here.


Yeah, I went, uh, me and, uh, Cordell picked him up and brought him to the event last time. And we, we're blessed to do a couple of songs with him up there and minister with him. Um, but I think this time, man, I'm just going to, I'm going to rally some people up, man, and just go up there and pull up deep. And man, I don't know. I don't always need a microphone in my hand. Sometimes I, I need to be out receiving a message or, or just, you know, just being a part. Like. You know, I think there's so many people who, who are in that position to where they, um, They want to be next to brother Bryann on the stage and, and, um, Nobody I roll with's like that, you know, I know Cordell's not like that, you know, Um, but I think that, you know, in the music industry, a lot of people, they want to do that, They want to piggyback off that, man, and I think it's important that, uh, We don't always got to have that mic, you know, up there, like it's, it's, it's, it's important to be out there to just listening.


Yeah, I, I couldn't agree more. I love to just, to just listen to him. I, you know, I follow him on, um, on YouTube and I just, you know, I watch where he's just, you know, giving services. Like that's literally, Like my favorite thing to do. Like I love to hear him give services. Um, you said that you're, I'm in the BBG ministry. BBG. Hey, you want to tell the people like how to follow you, what social, uh, social media platforms you're on, stuff


like that. Yeah. So, man, I'm. Um, I'm really active on TikTok, man. I've, I've been able to, uh, minister big time on TikTok, uh, Instagram, not super active on there, but I do have an account. Um, Facebook, YouTube, my music's out everywhere. It's R E Z U M Rezum. Yep. And so, uh, yeah, anywhere, man, if the, if the Lord bless somebody to want to hear some music, man, that's going to lead them to Jesus. Yes, sir.


Yeah, definitely. Um, yeah. I would definitely suggest, um, looking over brother Rezum here is his music is great. I mean, like, so I, and just like transparency, like I hadn't heard of you before. So then, when we started getting this interview, um, together, I looked you up and now like you're all over my playlist. Right. So I started playing you in the living room and my wife was like, Oh man, babe, that's, that's interesting. Who is that? I'm like, Oh yeah, this is Rezum. This is, you know, we're going to be interviewing. Now you're all over her playlist. Like, so, you know, we, we follow you. So you, your music, it's, it's addicting. It really is. And, and it's definitely like relatable when I hear your lyrics, like I feel everything you're saying, like, I totally, like, I mesh with it. You know what I mean? Like it's, it's there with me, you know? So on all these, um, social platforms, you're going to be Rezum on all of


those Rezum or Rezum music. You can probably find me easier by typing in Rezum music. Um, but, uh, yeah, man. The cool thing that I'd like to mention, man, is I don't just write rap music. I write all kinds of different music, you know, cause I, I am from Oklahoma, so I got a little country in me. Okay. You know, I, I did grow up my, you know, my family did like alternative rock music, so I, I have a little bit of everything and I like to become you know, all things to all men, man. And so I make all kinds of different music. I like to call it multi genre artist. Nice. So praise


God, praise God. You got any final word you want to say for the, um, For the audience


and final words is, it's never too late. The enemy tries to tell us that we're not good enough and, and that we're, we're too far gone. And that's exactly who Jesus is calling. Amen. And, and, uh, I was to that point to where I just didn't care. And I thought I was too far gone. And once I realized what Jesus actually did for me and experienced it for myself, like it's one thing to talk about it, but to actually pray to him and for him to answer. Like, bro, that's, that's the realest thing you could ever have, you know? And so, and


the way he was chasing you and so blessed, you're so blessed. Like he was like really seeking you, man. So he knew that you had, you had a lot to offer, you know? So God bless, God bless. You want to, um, you want to take us out in prayer? Yes, sir.


Yes, sir. Amen. Amen. Father God, I just thank you for this opportunity. I thank you for this brother here for even doing this interview, Lord. I pray that you would be with this ministry. Lord. I pray that you would, um, use them in a mighty way, Lord, to get your word forth, um, especially to the city of Chicago. God, I pray that, um, you would let this even fall on someone's ears that needs to hear this God, um, that needs to, uh, have some guidance or some help through the struggle, or maybe somebody who thinks that they're not good enough. God, um, Lord, I pray that you would, um, Let them know their identity in you, God, you created us all for a purpose, God. And, and I just pray that you would let everybody hearing this message, um, know that God, I love you. I thank you for changing my life. And I pray that you would use, um, this to even change somebody else's life. And I pray all this in the mighty, saving name of Jesus right now. Amen.


Jesus name. Amen. Amen. Thanks for coming out, man. Rezum, um, I know it was probably, it was a nice little ride for you. So. We appreciate you coming out for sharing with us. we appreciate


you brother. It wasn't too bad. It was like 30 minutes in the snow. So not too bad. Oh yeah. That's not too bad at all. I know.


Okay. Okay, good. So then we'll have you out


again then. Yeah. Yeah. Hit me up, bro. Anything for the kingdom. I'm all in my brother.


Well, thank you for joining us for another episode of wrong to strong Chicago. I'm going to read a little Bible verse for you guys today. I'm Matthew four 16 reads the people who sat in darkness have seen a great light and upon those who sat in the region and the shadow of death light has dawned. My name is Julio Mercado. This is brother Rezum and we are wrong to strong. Jesus.

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